March 2025
The Practice of Trust

March 30, 2025. Rev, Sara:  Trusted FriendsOn Transgender Day of Visibility we ask, are we trustworthy enough for people to share their true selves with us?  

March 23, 2025. John Countryman: The power of song in marches, protests, and justice-seeking.

March 16, 2025: Rev. Sara: It’s the Spring Equinox, the pagan celebration of Ostara! Is balance possible?

March 9, 2025. Rev. Sara: In the Woods. Into the woods and out of the words and home before dark! Or: when you’re in the thick of it, how do you decide whom to trust?

March 2, 2025. Rev. Sara: I am willing. How do we stay open and willing to love and hope when the world feels so strange?

February 2025
The Practice of Inclusion

February 23, 2025. Rev. Sara: Why DEI? 

February 16, 2025. Rev. Sara and RE Director Adena: Love can build a bridge. Join us for this active multigenerational service on inclusion.

February, 9, 2024. Worship Team: Fandom–Sports

February 3, 2025. Rev. Sara: Road Trip.

January 2025
The Practice of Story

January 26, 2025. Story Time with Rev. Sara. The stories we tell shape who we are. What stories do you tell about who you are?  

January 19, 2025. Rev. Sara: WW MLK, J D? What would Martin Luther King Junior do? Or, how do we face the next few days, the next few weeks, and the next few years?

January 5, 2025. John Countryman: Another Epiphany. Does an epiphany have the transformative power to take your life in an entirely new direction (or confirm that you’re traveling in the right direction after all)?

Missed a sermon? Want to hear it again?
Go to the Unitarian Universalist Community Church Glen Allen YouTube channel.

December 2024
The Practice of Presence

December 29, 2024. Lisa Furr, Elana Brooks Perkins, and Kendall Nordin of Worship Team: Year-End Reflection. A time to share our joys from the past year and hopes for the new one.

December 15, 2024. Call Process Task Force: Hear our call! Why does our church call ministers?

December 8, 2024. Rev. Sara: Showing up is more than half the battle. How do you show up for your loved ones, your church, your community?

December 1, 2024. Rev. Sara: Your Presence is Required. No, not your physical presence in the pew, but your whole self present in your life this Thanksgiving weekend.

November 2024
The Practice of Repair

November 24, 2024.  Rev. Sara: How do you mend a broken heart? People we love sometimes hurt us, even in a beloved community committed to doing better. How do we repair harm when our hearts are broken?  

November 17, 2024. Ted Lewis, Director of Youth Well-Being for the Human Rights Foundation: Honoring the trans community. In this difficult time of transition to what we know will be a harmful administration for all of us, and especially for the LGB TQ+ community, we will take time to observe Transgender Day of Remembrance.

November 10, 2024Rev. Sara:  Grace Under Fire.  We’re still here and asking “Now what?” 

November 3, 2024. Rev. Sara: It’s Not Too Late. It’s not too late to make a difference. It’s not too late for the upcoming election, and it’s not too late to repair what’s broken.

October 2024

October 27, 2024. Rev. Sara: The Veil is Thin. On All Hallows Eve the veil between the worlds is thin, allowing us to communicate with our beloved dead. Bring in or send photos in for our altar. Haunted Houses and Costume Parties abound, and there is a deeper truth if you listen closely to the stories. Everyone is invited to come in costume for the chili cookoff afterward!

October 20, 2024. Bill Fogarty: Deeds and Creeds, a New UUA Motto. One unofficial UU motto is “deeds not creeds”, but aren’t our actions built on a foundation of beliefs? How do we acquire our “moral compass” that can guide our actions? Bill will explore these issues within the context of specific UU history from the 1950’s, which has echoes in our present time.

October 13, 2024. Rev. Sara: What grounds you? Where do you find your connections? To humans? To animals? To nature? The web of life is woven fine – where do you fit?

October 6, 2024. Rev Sara: Practicing tools to connect to the deepest parts of ourselves and each other.